Lead'Air General Purpose FTP

WARNING: For official company use only. Files uploaded to the FTP server are available to the public for transfer. If you have any files with sensitive information, please remember to back up your file locally and delete it from the FTP server.

Setting up an FTP Client (FileZilla)


To access the Lead'Air FTP server, you will need to download and install an FTP client. For the purposes of this guide, we will use FileZilla.

Download FileZilla Here

If prompted to select your version, select the left-most option: "FileZilla."


Once your download is completed, launch the FileZilla setup application.

  1. Agree to the FileZilla License Agreement.
  2. Decline all optional offers.
  3. Choose to make FileZilla available for use to all users or just yourself and click Next >.
  4. Do not make changes to Choose Components, or Install location and click Next >.
  5. Finally, click Install.


Upon successful installation of FileZilla, launch the application from your desktop or the Windows start / application menu.

With FileZilla opened, you will see sectioned windows. On the left-hand side is the label: Local Site. This is your computer. The right-hand side is labeled: Remote Site. This where you will find and transfer files to the Lead'Air FTP.

Configuration (Continued)

  1. Use the key combination CTRL+S to open the Site Management window.
  2. On the bottom left-hand side click New site, and use the name "LeadAir-FTP."
  3. On the right-hand side, under the General Tab, use the following settings shown below:
  4. Once configured, click connect, and you will be brought back to the main divided FileZilla window. Dragging and dropping files to the Remote Site section will copy them over to the Lead'Air FTP server from your local computer.



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