Why does google earth display have issues?

Last updated: 2020 November 20

If your previously working Google Earth experiences an issue connecting to the server, please see the following manual on installing Google Earth v7.3.2 and stopping Google Earth from updating to a later version that is not compatible with snapVIEW.
Google Earth v7.3.2 Manual

To use the Google Earth Pro with snapVIEW, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Earth Pro manually and zoom to the area you would like to capture.
  2. Open snapVIEW, in snapVIEW main menu, click the Google Earth (V3) tab and then click 2) Capture selected view in Google Earth.


  • If Google Earth Pro has not been opened, the 1) Start / Show Google Earth button will bring up the older non-pro version.
  • Google Earth Display does not work with the 64bit version of Google Earth, please download the 32bit version of Google Earth, which can be found below.

Google Earth v7.3.2

If you are having an issue with a pop-up window that requires you to change your terrain exaggeration we suggest you contact support for an updated software version. Please note that software updates require that you are up to date with your yearly maintenance fees.




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